Enlarge He is in the studio right now with 'Ordinary Man' producer Andrew Watt.

Ozzy Osbourne Has Begun Recording His Next Album


Ozzy Osbourne utilized the downtime brought on by a series of illnesses and injuries last year to write Ordinary Man, the critically-acclaimed and fan-loved album he released earlier this year. Now he’s poised to use the lull brought on by the pandemic to get yet another album out before too long.

Ozzy’s wife, Sharon, hinted back in July that he’d be working on another album despite being less than half a year out from the release of his last, and now Ozzy himself has revealed in a chat with radio.com that he’s already back in the studio with Ordinary Man producer Andrew Watt, and that work has begun. He explained:

“I’m doing another record right now. I just started to work with Andrew again.

“It’s what gets me up in the morning, and it’s what I’m here to do. It saved my life, doing that last album. [It’s better than] sitting on my ass all day waiting for the fucking pandemic to be over. And then you go, ‘Oh, yeah, I am a rock and roller. I’d better do an album.’ You’ve got all the fucking time in the world to make the best album possible.”

Ozzy would’ve started recording this next album earlier if not for the ongoing symptoms Watt’s been suffering from contracting Covid-19 early on in the pandemic. We’re glad to learn he’s now well enough to continue work with Ozzy.

Ozzy’s solo farewell tour scheduled for 2018 and 2019 (following the same for Black Sabbath in 2017) was pushed back a number of times due to the singer contracting pneumonia and a nasty staph infection, suffering a slip-and-fall that saw him re-aggravate a spine injury originally sustained in an early ’00s ATV accident, and, of course, the Covid-19 pandemic. The singer also revealed his Parkinson’s diagnosis earlier this year, which didn’t directly contribute to any concert cancelations but certainly didn’t help the cause. He recently said that he hopes to be back on the road by 2022.

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