Enlarge We like it when the riff gets progressively squealier.

My Dying Bride Announce New EP, Debut First Single

  • Axl Rosenberg

For My Dying Bride fans, 2020 is an embarrassment of riches: the band released a new album, The Ghost of Orion, in March, and now they’ve announced that they’ll drop a three-song EP, Macabre Cabaret, in November.

(And those are three new songs, BTW. Not covers or import-only b-sides or re-recordings or previously released tracks from the Nick at Nite Maxi-Cassette Singles Collection or a Subaru-sponsored compilation or anything like that.)

One-third of Macabre Cabaret is now available for your listening pleasure in the form of the first single, “A Secret Kiss.” That title may initially make you look wearily over your shoulder for a metalcore band from the early aughts, but it’s MDB we’re talking about here — they keep shit real. The song is based around a characteristically tasty melodoom riff that, rather awesomely, gets squealier as it progresses. It’s like music’s answer to sticking a thumb in someone’s fresh bullet wound.

I’m saying it’s great.

Says vocalist Aaron Stainthorpe:

“’Macabre Cabaret’ delves into the shadow empire of dark love and the consequences of unchecked sexuality. The deep passion of physical desire and its all-conquering rage over pure love is written bleakly here. A destructive essence within the soul can’t help but rear its ugly head.
‘A Secret Kiss’ is the final and lasting mark on the soul any human will feel when the lights have dulled and nothing meaningful remains for them. All religion features a shadow creature who arrives at the point of extinction and the release of the human soul, to either guide them to majesty or allow them do fall eternally into the ether. 
“‘A Purse of Gold and Stars’ is where we keep our hopes and desires and affection, perhaps in a dreamlike state, unattainable yet we still reach out for them. The trinkets and shiny baubles we call happiness and love are what we try so hard to keep close and protect. But it is never quite like that in real life and is often a struggle tainted with sadness but still, we hold the purse close and in tight cold hands.”

Check out “A Secret Kiss” below. Macabre Cabaret will dance all over your grave on November 20 via Nasicornous Bailiwick.

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