Enlarge The song has the highest percentage of clean vocals ever in a DevilDriver track.

“Wishing” for New DevilDriver? Here It Is!

  • Axl Rosenberg

DevilDriver have devildebuted “Wishing,” another cut from the first of a two-volume new album,  Dealing With Demons. The song is… not what you’re expecting. I think it has a greater percentage of clean vocals than other DD track to date. I’m sure someone in the comments section will correct me if I’m wrong.

To be clear, it’s not, like, Howard Jones-style clean vocals (i.e., soaring and kinda emo). It’s more like Torche-style “lobotomy patient intones from inside an echo chamber” vocals. Still, it took me some getting used to. But it grew on me after a coupla listens. Also, there’s a rippin’ gee-tar solo, which is never a bad thing.

Listen to “Wishing” below. The first volume Dealing With Demons will be released October 2 on Napalm (a week earlier than originally announced). Pre-order it here.

Dez recently sat down for MetalSucks and reacted to a buncha YouTube fan covers. You can watch the highly-entertaing results of that endeavor here.

“Wishing” for New DevilDriver? Here It Is!
Artwork by Johnny Jones at COMA

[via Lambgoat]

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