Enlarge The song debuted on last night’s episode of WWE NXT.

Corey Taylor Debuts “Culture Head,” His Heaviest Solo Track Yet

  • Axl Rosenberg

That sound that woke you up this morning was the world creaming its collective jeans in response to Corey Taylor (Slipknot, Stone Sour, not Anthrax) releasing a new solo song, “Culture Head.”

The source of the world’s first-ever unified orgasm is the heaviest track from Taylor’s solo debut, CMFT, to be released thus far (previous singles include “CMFT Must Be Stopped,”Black Eyes Blue,” and “HWY 666”). It’s at least heavy enough to be a Stone Sour song, which makes it just a hop (moderately growlier vocals), skip (random record scratches and/or sound effects), and a jump (a keg beatdown) away from being a Slipknot song.

You can check out “Culture Head,” which debuted on last night’s episode of WWE NXT, below. CMFT comes out October 2 on Roadrunner, and can pre-ordered here.

That evening, Corey will have a live streaming event, Forum or Against ‘Em, which will be broadcast from The Forum in Los Angeles. You can get details here.

Taylor has been throwing shade at his Slipknot and Stone Sour members recently, which will make it less surprising if CMFT does well and he goes solo full-blownsies.

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