Enlarge MastoBrann teaches you to make a "24-agon corn sandwich" with drumsticks in it.

Mastodon Release Second Episode of Cooking Show

  • Axl Rosenberg

Mastodon’s love of food and wordplay shines through yet again in the second episode of their new cooking show, the helpfully-titled Cooking with Mastodon.

On the inaugural edition, Chef Troyardee — known to some as Mastodon bassist/vocalist Troy Sanders — taught viewers to make a pizza using a vinyl copy of the band’s new release, which is called Medium Rarities (which is why they’re doing this whole cooking gag — get it?).

In the latest episode, MastoBrann (people call drummer Brann Dailor that sometimes, right?) demonstrates how to make a “24-agon corn sandwich” with drumsticks in it. You can watch below.

Here’s something to keep in mind while viewing: did Dailor not realize the plastic wrapping would tell him how many slices of bread it contained, or was needlessly counting out each slice part of the joke? Discuss amongst yourselves.

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