Enlarge Gale passed away last month at the age of 35.

Photos: Street Art in Brooklyn and Houston Pays Tribute to Power Trip’s Riley Gale

  • Axl Rosenberg

Hopefully, when Power Trip frontman Riley Gale passed away last month, he did so with the knowledge that he was truly loved. That he made such a profound impact on the world even though he was just 34 years old is readily apparent from the tributes that have poured in since his death — from other metal musicians, from Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld, and now from a pair of street artists in Houston, Texas and Brooklyn, New York.

First: Ryan Taylor, of Houston’s East End Barber, commissioned the below, totally EPIC mural, which was created by Graffiti and tattoo artist Erik Del Rio.


Meanwhile, an unknown graffiti artist has added this to the side of the Williamsburg Bridge:


We expect the extreme music community will continue to feel the loss of Riley for a long, long time.

[via Metal Injection]

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