Enlarge The Slipknot frontman is fed up with the way the U.S. is handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Corey Taylor to Anti-Maskers: “F*ck You”


Corey Taylor — Slipknot frontman, God’s Greatest Gift to Humanity™ and, most recently, acclaimed solo artist — may have stayed off social media for the past year, but thankfully we’ve still got interviews from which we can learn his vv important opinions on politics, social issues and the like. Rest assured, he always puts on pants before getting on the horn.

To wit: speaking with the Let There Be Talk podcast, Taylor was asked about how his new hometown of Las Vegas, NV is handling the Covid-19 pandemic. His expletive-laden answer:

“It burned up again, because our mayor is a dipshit. This thing is gonna fucking — it’s gonna keep doing that until it evens out, man. It’s gonna keep doing it until we get a vaccine, to be honest, or at least something that can prevent. 

”Vegas, it’s up and down. There are still a bunch of fucking mooks with no masks on at the casinos. And, actually, the people who were there — tourists or visitors or whatever — were giving shit to people who were wearing masks. That was enough for me to just go, ‘You know what, man? Fuck you!’ 

”It’s, like, not everything has to be a political fucking statement. It’s better to just be cautious. It’s better to be smart. You wanna walk around with no fucking mask on, you go ahead and spin the barrel, and let’s see how many times you can click it. But these people who are actually trying to be preventive, there’s no reason for you to give them a rash of shit — they weren’t fucking saying anything to you. It’s just ridiculous, man. 

”That’s the shit that people aren’t talking about — the fact that some people are just minding their own fucking business, and a bunch of garbage fucking falls out of people’s faces, and it just keeps the fucking wheel spinning. 

“Maybe if we all just kind of kept some shit to ourselves, maybe shit would fucking quiet down.”

I love this side of Corey — angry, unfiltered, no holds barred — and while I respect his decision to leave social media, I kinda want him back. We could be having this kind of content every day, and with the added bonus of it being directly in response to asshole fans. Think of the possibilities!

Taylor will release his first solo album, CMFT, on October 2, and has put out three singles to date: “Corey Taylor Must Be Stopped,” “Black Eyes Blues” and “HWY 666.”

[via Rock Feed]

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