Enlarge He says Ohms is the band "firing on all cylinders."

Chino Moreno Reviews Every Deftones Album, Including Ohms


Deftones frontman Chino Moreno has reviewed every album in the band’s discography for uproxx.com. This includes Ohms, the band’s latest offering, which is scheduled for a release on September 25 (you can listen to the title track here and pre-order the album here).

Here are some excerpts from Moreno’s reviews:

Adrenaline (1995)

“It’s probably one of my least favorite records of ours. My confidence as a vocalist, it hadn’t really blossomed at all.”

Around the Fur (1997)

“More than anything, confidence, I think, when you hear that record, that’s the one thing that stands out. That probably is one of my favorite records of ours, because of that reason.”

White Pony (2000)

“When we were done with the record, I remember us being proud of it. But I also remember a lot of our fans not liking it, or maybe not getting it. They were just like, ‘Where are the old Deftones at? Where’s the screaming?’ It was a slow grower and there was a lot more to take in.”

Koi No Yokan (2012)

“Nick Raskulinecz produced Diamond Eyes and he did a great job being present and helping us remember what we’re doing… So we did another record with him, and he wasn’t as present. He was finishing up a Rush record, and right after us he was starting an Alice in Chains record, I think… At the beginning of the writing, he wasn’t really there much, and at the end of recording, he wasn’t really there much. We were left with his engineer, Matt Hyde. We finished the record though, and we were pretty proud of it.”

Ohms (2020)

“‘Heavy’ is kind of subjective, you know? The last thing I ever want to do is be quoted saying, ‘This is our heaviest record!’ The first thing that’s going to happen is some dude’s going to be like, ‘No way dude! This is …’ You know what I mean? It’s kind of subjective. But I do feel like it’s got a little more energy. I think that is attributed to everybody being engaged completely. Everybody firing on all cylinders. There’s not one of us individually that was sort of sitting back just going along. Everybody was very present physically and emotionally, ready to work and to put the work in.”

You can read the entire piece here.

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