Trapt Lawsuit Invited onto Judge Judy TV Show
Following all the Trapt drama that kept the entire internet occupied this spring came the perfect mid-summer coda: it turned out that Trump-loving, pro-cop, certified racist band leader Chris Taylor Brown was broke and dodging payments to a music video director. It was the perfect bowtie on the gift that kept giving for weeks and weeks in the form of both laughter and click$.
Now, despite the abject failure of Trapt’s most recent album (and CTB’s Trump-like “alternative facts” denial of said failure), it’s somehow gotten even better: Travis Livingstone — the music video director, who says he’s owed $4,000 — has been invited to appear on Judge Judy, the long-running daytime television airing of small claims court cases hosted by the notoriously snappy and ruthless Judith Sheindlin.
In a post to the Facebook group “Trapt OFFICIAL is a joke,” Livingston posted a photo of the invitation letter he received from the show’s producers, who did their own research and sought him out after finding publicly available information from the small claims suit he threatened to file in July (and subsequently did).
The letter notes that while Livingstone might have difficulty collecting any money awarded as a result of the decision made in a standard small claims court, by appearing on Judge Judy he’d be guaranteed that money if he wins, plus a $500 appearance fee either way. Brown would also collect a $500 appearance fee, and while Livingstone suggests Brown’s broke ass would agree to appear simply for the money, we’d like to point out that Brown’s publicity-hungry, has-been ass would most certainly do it for the attention, too.
Here’s the letter Livingstone received, sent via the good, old fashioned, reliable United States Postal Service:
Travis: YES, you should definitely pursue this opportunity! As if there were any doubt. And Chris: we know you’re reading this, and you should 100% agree! Think of the inevitable downwind Pandora revenue!
In celebration of the mere possibility of Brown taking a public reaming from Judge Judy herself, here’s a bunch of Judge Judy memes: