Enlarge In the style of Thin Lizzy! Finally, the metal Robyn cover we've always wanted.

Watch: Mastodon, Converge & Royal Thunder Members Cover Robyn


I’ve been saying it loudly and proudly on this very site for years and years already: Robyn is fucking metal. Or, at the very least, metalheads love Robyn! Or, uh, well… I really do, anyway.

Now there’s more proof that at least one group of metalheads can’t help but dance on their own: members of Mastodon, Converge, Royal Thunder and Spirit Adrift have teamed up to cover Robyn’s “Ever Again” (from her 2018 masterpiece, Honey) for the latest installment of the ongoing Two Minutes to Late Night bedroom covers series. What’s more, they’ve done it in the style of Thin Lizzy, glorious guitarmonies galore! There have been some damn fine collaborations in this series to date, but it doesn’t hurt when your source material is The Queen. All hail!

The lineup on this track includes:

  • Vocals: Mlny Parsonz (Royal Thunder)
  • Guitar: Nate Garrett (Spirit Adrift)
  • Guitar: Jordan “Gwarsenio Hall” Olds
  • Bass: Troy Sanders (Mastodon/Killer Be Killed, etc.)
  • Drums: Ben Koller (Converge, Mutoid Man, etc.)

Check it out below, and be sure to watch some of the previous entries in the Bedroom Covers series here. This is the 21st entry in the series — now old enough to drink! — and if you’d like to see more in the future we highly recommend contributing to its Patreon right here!

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