Enlarge The song has been re-worked and re-recorded to fit a specific plot device in the film.

Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters” Will Appear in New Disney Film, Jungle Cruise


A reprieve is finally on the way for metalhead parents forced to watch their little one’s favorite Disney films over and over and over and over and over and over: we’ll now be forced to hear Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters” over and over and over and over and over again as part of Jungle Cruise, due in 2021.

But there’s a twist: the song is getting the orchestral treatment and it’s been re-worked to fit a specific plot element of the film, which stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Emily Blunt, Edgar Ramirez, Jesse Plemons, Jack Whitehall and Paul Giamatti.

Speaking to Collider, drummer Lars Ulrich explained of how the song has been re-written:

“It’s kind of an interesting morph, because it’s kind of – and I don’t want to give too much of it away – but it’s a very unusual morph in that it’s kind of [composer James Newton Howard’s] arrangement of ‘Nothing Else Matters’ that we’re playing. We wrote the song, but he took the song and rearranged it to fit something specific in the film – and obviously, I’m not going to give any of that away – but we then kind of took on his version of it. I think that’s all that should be said.”

So it’s Howard’s re-worked version of Metallica’s song, then filtered back through a Metallica performance with Howard’s orchestrations added on. Interesting.

When asked how the collaboration came to be, Ulrich said:

“It really goes back to [Disney production president] Sean Bailey, who is a lifelong rock fan, and is just all-around one of the greatest, most friendly, generous, warm, and embracing people you’ll find in the music business.

“I think he’s always been a Metallica fan, and we’ve gotten to know each other well. My wife and I are big Disney fans, so there’s a great friendship there, and he’s always looked for the right match where there was a way that Metallica could contribute to some project of theirs. This was the right fit, with Sean leading the calvary, and with James Newton Howard and his track record, and what he’s done.”

Jungle Cruise is currently set to come out on July 30, 2021.

[via Kerrang!]

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