Enlarge The latest in Two Minutes to Late Night's 'Bedroom Covers' series.

Converge, Havok, ex-Machine Head and More Cover Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell”


Two Minutes to Late Night host Jordan “Gwarsenio Hall” Olds is back with another quarantine cover featuring a slew of notable metal musicians. This time the group has tackled Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell” heavied up as you’ve never heard it before, and the rendition features:

  • Vocalist Myke Terry (Volumes, ex-Bury Your Dead)
  • Guitarist Phil Demmel (Vio-lence, ex-Machine Head)
  • Guitarist Lee Jowono (Potion)
  • Bassist Brandon Bruce (Havok)
  • Drummer Ben Koller (Converge, Mutoid Man, Killer Be Killed)

Check it out below, and be sure to watch some of the previous entries in the Bedroom Covers series here. This is the 20th entry in the series, and if you’d like to see more in the future we highly recommendation contributing to its Patreon right here!

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