Enlarge The Ozzman has stopped dying his hair during the pandemic.

Photos of Ozzy Osbourne with Grown Out Gray Hair are Making the Rounds


Ozzy Osbourne is now a ripe 71 years old. And like many older metal musicians (other than a select few who proudly rock their grays), he’s been dying his hair for decades to cover his whites in order to preserve the appearance of youth.

But all bets are off right now on account of the isolation brought on by the pandemic, and the Ozzman has finally decided to let his grays flow.

Ozzy hasn’t been seen publicly in months, but in recent days the Daily Mail snapped some photos of him in the passenger seat of a car while his wife and manager, Sharon, drove.

In the photos, which we won’t be embedding here because we don’t enjoy being sued by zealous copyright trolls, Ozzy is nearly unrecognizable (you can see a preview in the Twitter embed below). But he looks good! He’s still got a full head of hair, rare for a man his age, and he’s swept it back into a ponytail with gray roots several inches long. He’s also got a hearing aid in, which is not surprising given the decades of abuse his ears have endured.

You can view the photos right here.

Ozzy announced his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis this past winter while recovering from myriad injuries that forced the cancelation of a number of tours. Despite all of that and the unlikelihood of live concerts returning any time soon, he insists he’s not done performing.

Looking good, Ozzy! Let it go! You’ve earned it.

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