Enlarge No word on whether or not the project will also include Phil Anselmo and Gary Holt, as rumored.

Paul Bostaph Confirms He’s Working on a New Project With Kerry King

  • Axl Rosenberg

Although Kerry King has said he doesn’t know who is gonna be in his new band, the guitarist’s now-former Slayer bandmate, Paul Bostaph, has corroborated rumors that he’ll be part of the line-up. He did not address the rest of that rumor, which alleged that the band will also include Phil Anselmo and Gary Holt, ostensibly making it the most recent iteration of Slayer, just with a different vocalist.

Bostaph confirmed his involvement during a new interview with Riff Crew. He did, however, speak to theories (depending on your POV) that the project would just be Slayer by another name. Simultaneously reassuring fans who hope the music will be more of the same and fans who fear the music will be more of the same, Bostaph said:

“I guess the best way to put it is Kerry writes what he writes. You know what I mean? Is this gonna be a rock and roll record? No. Is it gonna be what you want it to be? Yes. Is it gonna be what you expect it to be? Yes. It’s not that it’s gonna be some rehashed stuff… it’s gonna sound like Slayer without it being Slayer, you know what I mean, but not intentionally so. I mean, Kerry’s been writing songs in Slayer his entire career, and he has a style. And that style, as a songwriter, you just don’t change your style because your band is done; that’s what you love to write.

“Are things gonna maybe morph over time? Yeah. I would imagine so. I don’t think the first song Kerry wrote as a kid is the same as the last song he wrote for ‘Repentless’ [final Slayer album], you know what I mean? Songwriters do change over time based on their influences and how they feel at the time. Kerry’s on fire right now. All I can say is if you like heavy music and you like Slayer, you’ll like this. Is it gonna be Slayer? It’s not gonna be Slayer — Slayer is done; they retired.

“The thing about it is that we don’t wanna sound like ‘Baby’ Slayer, you know what I mean? There is Slayer. But it’s gonna be good, it’s gonna be really good. I’ve been listening to the music and I just cannot wait to get into the room and start jamming with Kerry.”

That’s… not very helpful.

Still, unless King plans on sacking Bostaph at some point, we now know two things about Kerry King’s new project: who the drummer will be, and how much material he has written for it already. So that’s something.

You can check out the entire interview below.

[via Lambgoat]

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