Enlarge It's a double dry hopped IPA and will be available this Friday.

Deftones are Releasing a “White Pony” Beer This Friday


Deftones are teaming up with the Belching Beaver brewery for a beer to commemorate the 20th anniversary of their landmark 2000 album, White Pony.

The double dry hopped “White Pony” IPA will be released this Friday, August 28, and will only be available for a limited time. Deftones fans in AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, NE, NV, MN, OR, WA and WI and anyone in a neighboring state willing to make the drive will be able to get their hands on it.

The beer will be 7% ABV and has “an upfront flavor of pineapple but finishes with a soft grapefruit note with a mild bitterness and medium mouthfeel.”

Deftones and Bleching Beaver previously released the Phantom Bride IPA back in 2018.

Deftones will release their new album, Ohms, on September 25; listen to the debut single, also titled “Ohms,” right here!

They’ll also be celebrating White Pony‘s 20th anniversary with a remix album titled Black Stallion.

[via Rock Feed]

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