Tribulation Announce New Album Where the Gloom Becomes Sound

GET THE LUBE: Tribulation, The Band That Makes Black Metal Sexy™, have announced that they’ll release their fifth full-length studio album, Where the Gloom Becomes Sound, in January via Metal Blade (North America) and Century Media (everywhere else). The Swedish outfit is the rare band that seemingly everyone at MetalSucks agrees upon, which has really made long group car rides a lot more tolerable, but also tells you how great they are, because we are some opinionated, argumentative motherfuckers.
Says the band about the album:
“‘Down, further down, Where the Gloom Becomes Sound…’, Anna-Varney Cantodea once sang in a previous millennium, in a different world. And further down than Down Below we went with this one. The album is a sombre one, filled with ghastly shadows and elemental magic – a mythological bestiarium vocabulum ranging from the desert sands to the midnight sun, from our murky prehistorical past to our potentially luminous futures. Figuratively, literally and musically. We worked together with producer Jamie Elton to create something wild and imaginative, something that would take the listener on a nightly adventure along with Fernand Khnopff’s enigmatic sibyl on the cover and with all the gods and goddesses, nymphs and demons that we conjured up during the recording. As an icing on an already frosted cake we had the help of Tom Dalgety for the finishing touches.”
I don’t think the word “literally” means what Tribulation thinks it means, but otherwise, this sounds great!
While the band has yet to release a single or say on which Friday in January they’ll release Gloom, they have announced plans to launch a European tour with Bølzer and Molassess on January 29… which just so happens to be a Friday… hmm…
About that tour: the dates are below. But will it actually happen? Europe is doing a heckuva lot better combatting the coronavirus than we are here in ‘Muhrica, so perhaps. But maybe don’t get ALL your hopes up. Some hopes, sure. Not all.
FR 29.01. Copenhagen (Denmark) – Pumpehuset
SA 30.01. Hamburg (Germany) – Uebel & Gefährlich
SU 31.01. Utrecht (The Netherlands) – De Helling
TU 02.02. Vosselaar (Belgium) – Biebob
WE 03.02. London (UK) – The Dome
TH 04.02. Paris (France) – Petit Bain
FR 05.02. Milan (Italy) – Slaughter Club
SA 06.02. Bern (Switzerland) – Dachstock
SU 07.02. Essen (Germany) – Turock
TU 09.02. Heidelberg (Germany) – Halle 2
WE 10.02. Munich (Germany) – Technikum
TH 11.02. Krakow (Poland) – Kwadrat
FR 12.02. Prague (Czech Republic) – Nova Chmelnice
SA 13.02. Vienna (Austria) – Szene
SU 14.02. Budapest (Hungary) – A38
TU 16.02. Berlin (Germany) – Columbia Theater
WE 17.02. Malmö (Sweden) – Babel
TH 18.02. Oslo (Norway) – Parkteatret
FR 19.02. Gothenburg (Sweden) – Valand
SA 20.02. Stockholm (Sweden) – Slaktkyrkan