Enlarge Trump is once again using Queen's music for his campaign despite the band voicing their displeasure over it.

Queen are Again Battling Donald Trump’s Campaign Over the Use of Band’s Music


On the campaign trail back in 2016, then-presidential hopeful Donald Trump used Queen’s iconic “We are the Champions” at a rally, prompting a stern rebuke from the band. Then, last October, the band filed a copyright infringement notice over Trump’s use of “We Will Rock You” in a campaign video. But those incidents still aren’t enough to stop our Führer in Chief from using Queen’s music without consent: he’s again used “We Will Rock You,” this time in a campaign video on Triller (a competitor of TikTok).

According to BBC News, a spokesperson for the band said that Queen “continues to oppose and try to block usage of their songs” by the Trump campaign. Back in 2016 they said, “We are frustrated by the repeated unauthorised use of the song after a previous request to desist, which has obviously been ignored by Mr Trump and his campaign.”

As of the time of the BBC’s report, the video was still live and had been viewed over a million times.

Queen aren’t the only hard rock or metal band whose music has been lifted by Trump against their wishes: Guns N’ Roses, Ozzy Osbourne and Linkin Park are a few of the musicians who have been bestowed that honor.

Here’s a version of “We Will Rock You” we like a lot more:

[via Ghost Cult Mag]

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