Enlarge A grimy, dirty and noisy cover of "No Excuses."

Thou’s Alice in Chains Cover is HEEEEAAAVVYYYYY


Alice in Chains covers seem to be in the zeitgeist of late. On the other hand, are they ever really not? The band’s music is timeless, beloved by those all across the musical spectrum.

In any case, Khemmis released a doomy cover of “Down in a Hole” recently that gave me all sorts of feels, and now Thou have chimed in with their own version of “No Excuses” that does the same in a completely different way.

The cover comes from a compilation of them titled A Primer Of Holy Words, which also features songs originally by Shellac, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Agents of Oblivion, Born Against, Minor Threat and Black Sabbath (x4). True to Thou’s usual form, their version of “No Excuses” is grimy, dirty and noisy, and features clean sung and growled vocals alongside one another for extra oomph. And like all good covers, it maintains enough integrity of the original to be recognizable while also sounding completely and unmistakably like the artist performing it.

Give it a spin below and check out the full album here.

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