Enlarge The band is led by former Death to All and touring Cynic member Max Phelps.

Exist Win the Proggy Death Metal “Lottery” on Latest Track


Exist, the progressive death metal band led by one-time Death to All and touring Cynic member Max Phelps, are getting ready to release their third studio album, Egoiista.

Explains a press release about the album, “The lyrical exploration of the finite nature of life and the fragility of human existence takes on a very personal slant given the health problems that vocalist/guitarist Max Phelps has encountered in the past two years. A life-threatening abdominal aneurysm gave him plenty of cause to reflect on his own life and humanity as a broader concept – themes that give Egoiista its foundation.”

Following the album’s debut single, “Spotlight’s Glow,” last month, the band have issued another new track, “The Lottery,” that showcases what the record has in store. Without sounding derivative, you can definitely hear both the Death and Cynic influence in Exist’s music, a dazzling display of classic progressive death metal viewed through the prism of modern technique and production.

Egoiista comes out on August 28; pre-order here.

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