Enlarge The band have been revealing clues about their new album in recent days.

And the Title of the New Deftones Album is…


The Deftones have unveiled a number of teases regarding their new album in recent days, including updates to their official website, brief video teasers and new lyric animations on Spotify’s visualizers.

There was also this Reddit thread from roughly a month ago, which mentions an interview Chino Moreno conducted in which he offhandedly revealed that the title of the album is Ohms. The interview was later edited and various fan sites were asked to refrain from mentioning the title and scrub any references to it.

Indeed, some Deftones sleuths have now unearthed an additional sign that points to Ohms as the album’s title: the first letters of the songs for which the band has posted new lyric visualizers on Spotify —  “One Weak,” “Hexagram” and “Minerva” — begin to spell out that word. Fans should keep an eye on cuts like “Swerve City,” “Sextape” and “Street Carp” today on Spotify to see if new lyric visualizers appear on any of those.

An ohm — symbolized as “Ω” — is a measurement unit of electrical resistance.

Presumably that “S” hint will drop today and then, hopefully, a single will follow tomorrow or Friday. The album is slated for a September 25 release.

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