Enlarge The prankster is promoting a new comedy special. The publicity stunt worked.

Jackass Star Steve-O Just Duct-Taped Himself to a Los Angeles Billboard


Dunno about you all, but to this day, every time I see any entry from the entire Jackass canon I laugh my ass off. It summons my inner teenager and gets me out of my dumb adult head for a moment, ya know?

How these guys continue to make it work is pretty damn amazing, and one of the franchise’s best known stars, Steve-O, is still at the practical joke game: he has taped himself to a giant billboard in Los Angeles as a publicity stunt to promote his new film.

And it’s working. The news is spreading like wildfire on social media, where Steve-O posted the announcement this afternoon along with a selfie, saying:

“I’m attached to a billboard right now (swipe to see the whole thing) and want to emphasize that a team of real professionals rigged everything safely,” he wrote. “There is zero chance of me falling, and it’s important to me that we not waste any valuable city resources on this. I’m happy to just hang out, and really want the world to know about this project I worked so hard on. It’s called Gnarly and, If you’re over 18, check it out at steveo.com! Thanks!”

He said “hard on.” Huh huh huh. [Butt-Head laugh]

Gnarly is a comedy special and you can watch it for $9.99 on Steve-O’s site. As a reward for a job well done, I’m gonna post a big ol’ link to that website right here.

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