Enlarge This band is certainly not afraid to look silly.

Powerman 5000’s New Song is “Brave”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Yeah, the headline of this post is kind of a joke, because Powerman 5000’s new song is called “Brave New World.” But also, I really do think the band is brave. I mean, if it were me, I’d be SO EMBARRASSED to release something that sounds like Marilyn Manson’s ill-advised stab at rap-metal. But not these dudes! They are truly following their bless, public opinion be damned. Good for them.

You can check out Powerman 5000’s “Brave New World” below, or, if you love yourself, Iron Maiden’s “Brave New World below that. Powerman 5000’s new album, The Noble Rot, comes out August 28 on Cleopatra, and can be pre-ordered here.

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