Enlarge Wait, Elijah Wood has heard of Anal C*nt???

Lord of the Rings Star Elijah Wood Made a Anal C*nt Joke About the Trump Family

  • Axl Rosenberg

Not that I’ve ever met him or anything, but Elijah Wood has always seemed like a good dude. I mean, obviously he’s an actor so who knows, but it’s hard to imagine Frodo Baggins being a total dick.

Regardless, we now know two things about Elijah Wood that we didn’t know before: he’s liberal (not surprising), and he’s heard of Anal Cunt (very surprising).

The revelation comes via a recent Twitter thread started by The Lincoln Project, a group dedicated to “holding accountable those who would violate their oaths to the Constitution and would put others before Americans.” They sent out a picture of Trump’s three children from his first marriage — Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric — and asked followers to “Name this band.” Wood, as you may have guessed, suggested “Anal Cunt.”

Wood isn’t the first person to make a connection between the Trump clan and the highly-divisive grindcore project: Travis Ryan (Cattle Decapitation, Murder Construct, Nader Sadek, etc.) and Rob Crow (Pinback) launched the delightfully irreverent grindcore project Anal Trump immediately after Don Sr. was elected.

[via The PRP]

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