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(Head) P.E.E. Release New Single “First Blood”

  • Axl Rosenberg

(Hed) P.E., a.k.a. (hed) p.e., a.k.a (Hed) p.e., a.k.a. Hed PE, a.k.a. (həd) Planet Earth, a.k.a. (həd) p.e., a.k.a. however the fuck we’re spelling their name this week, have released a new single, “First Blood.”

Which was the name of a pretty cool Sly Stallone movie. A lot of people think it was called Rambo, but that’s incorrect — the character’s name didn’t enter the title until the 1985 sequel, which is actually called Rambo: First Blood Part II (a movie which shouldn’t even have been possible, because in the David Morrell novel upon which the original movie is based, Rambo kills himself at the end). The third movie in the franchise is called Rambo III (1988), probably because they realized you can’t draw first blood three times. Then in 2008 they made a movie that actually IS called Rambo, and then last year we got Rambo: Last Blood. Some of those sequels were better than others, but they were all more entertaining than “First Blood” by (Hed) P.E., a.k.a. (hed) p.e., a.k.a (Hed) p.e., a.k.a. Hed PE, a.k.a. (həd) Planet Earth, a.k.a. (həd) p.e., a.k.a. however the fuck we’re spelling their name this week.

Still, if you’ve read this far, you must really wanna hear “First Blood,” which you can do below. Head Pee’s new album, Class of 2020, comes out August 21 on Suburban Noize Records, and can be pre-ordered here.

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