Enlarge Mark Grocki uses bass for the vocal parts, guitar parts, and, of course, bass parts.

Listen: Metallica’s “One,” But All the Parts Are Played on Bass

  • Axl Rosenberg

If you’re one of the many, many fans who are still peeved about the fact that Metallica’s …And Justice for All has no bass, this oughta satisfy you, and then some: YouTuber Mark Grocki has recorded a version of “One” which uses bass for all the guitar parts, vocal parts, and, of course, bass parts (the drums remain Lars Ulrich’s original recording).

Does Grocki’s Metallica’s “One” kick all kinds of bass (sorry, couldn’t resist)? Do you prefer the original version only with the bass added back in? Or perhaps the original original version is still your favorite? Listen below and decide for yourself:


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