Enlarge This was probably ill-advised.

Onslaught Play Avatar in “Bow Down to the Clowns” Video

  • Axl Rosenberg

I was about halfway through the new Avatar video when I realized I was watching the new Onslaught video.

I understand that Avatar didn’t create the idea of playing metal while in clown/circus clothes, and I realize that Avatar didn’t create that particular design of clown make-up.


They are the most famous metal band to use that particular design of clown make-up. Add in the coat and the hat and the buttons and alla that shit and… yeah. I dunno. Just seems ill-advised for Onslaught to do the same exact thing.

Assuming you disagree with me, Onslaught’s “Bow Down to the Clowns” will appear on their new album, Generation Antichrist, which comes out August 7 on AFM. Pre-orders are here.

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