Enlarge Featuring titles by Megadeth, Slayer, Entombed and more.

These are the Most Popular Vinyl Albums of 1990


Online music marketplace and social network Discogs has published another interesting list detailing user behavior on the platform.

Their most recent article takes a look at albums released in 1990 and ranks them by summing up how many of the site’s users listed each album as either a “have” or a “want,” measures on each user’s social profile indicating if they own a particular record or are seeking a copy. The list was compiled from the 400 million items cataloged on Discogs and the have/want lists of its 7.3 million users.

Unsurprisingly to those who have followed vinyl’s resurgence in the metal scene (and beyond) in recent years, a number of heavy albums appear on the list. Here are the metal albums (and a couple of hard rock entries) that rank in the top 25:

  • 21. The Black Crowes – Shake Your Money Maker
  • 20. Jane’s Addiction – Ritual De Lo Habitual
  • 19. Entombed – Left Hand Path
  • 17. Death – Spiritual Healing
  • 16. Pantera – Cowboys From Hell
  • 15. Alice In Chains – Facelift
  • 11. Judas Priest – Painkiller
  • 8. Iron Maiden – No Prayer For The Dying
  • 7. Slayer – Seasons In The Abyss
  • 5. AC/DC – The Razors Edge
  • 3. Megadeth – Rust In Peace

The list’s #1 entry, Depeche Mode’s Violator, appeared in 50% more collections/want lists than the #2 album, Sonic Youth’s Goo.

Read the full list here.

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