Enlarge This gives new meaning to the song "I Want Action."

Video: Poison’s Bret Michaels Shoots a Buncha Sh*t

  • Axl Rosenberg

Bret Michaels famously once declared a desire for action. Well, action he has received: the Poison singer has released a video of himself shootin’ a buncha shit, and shootin’ a buncha shit but good.

The clip is allegedly of Michaels training for The Music Man (which will be an action/suspense movie and, alas, not an update of the 1957 musical in which the title character goes not and murders the entire town). But I believe the video is actually meant to deter sites like MetalSucks from continuing to make fun of Michaels, as we have done for years. Which was a great idea: no one wants to be known as the person who died at the hands of a the guy who wrote “Cry Tough.”

In any case, here, this is the first and only time anyone will ever describe Bret Michaels as “intimidating”:


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