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Venomous Concept’s “Eliminate” Is an Adrenaline Shot to the Heart

  • Axl Rosenberg

It is a sllloooowww fuckin’ news day. So thank Dio for “Elimate,” the new song from Venomous Concept. The death-grind supergroup, which features members of Napalm Death, Lock Up, and Corrupt Moral Altar, have provided this dull Tuesday with a much-needed kick in the ass of energy. I mean, I was practically asleep ten minutes ago, then I heard this shit, and it felt like I was Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction, only hairier.

Get your adrenaline shot to the heart with Venomous Concept’s “Eliminate” below. I t will appear on the band’s new new album, Politics Versus the Erection, which comes out August 28.

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