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Tonight, Axl Rosenberg Guests on the Metal Injection Livecast

  • Axl Rosenberg

Hey-o! You guys busy tonight? Of course you’re not! It’s a pandemic! There ain’t shit to do!!!

But have no fear, for I is here: I’m gonna guest on the Metal Injection Livecast TONIGHT! I am always honored to be invited onto the show, and we always have a ton of fun talking metal, news, and whatever other random shit pops into our idiot brains.

So tune in, tonight starting at 6:30pm Eastern (3:30PM Pacific Time, 11:30pm in London, 8:30am Wed in Sydney) and going until 8PM eastern time for an all new edition of the Livecast. The show will stream in the new Youtube player below. You can be a part of the madness by giving us a call at (213) 943-3688 or chatting in the chatroom!

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