Enlarge Featuring famous beats by Black Sabbath, Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Pantera, and more.

How Drummers Knock on Doors

  • Axl Rosenberg

The latest delightfully-silly video by Decrepit Birth’s Samus “66Samus” Paulicelli, the self-explanatorily-entitled “How Drummers Knock on Doors,” may appear, on the surface, pretty bland by the drummer’s usual standards. I mean, the dude once covered Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” using dildos instead of drumsticks. Simply banging a buncha famous drum beats on doors could seem lame by comparison.

But it’s not! Maybe I’m just starved for entertainment, but by the time Paulicelli got to the theme from Terminator, I was giggling like a schoolboy. A lot of the humor comes from the creativity that went into the knocking (e.g., the decision to use an open palm or a fist, to use one hand or two, etc., to execute the knock), but some of it just tickled me for no discernible reason that I can intellectualize and articulate. I’ve watched him do Slayer’s “Raining Blood,” for example, multiple times now, and I still find it funny.

Enjoy the video below. I don’t wanna give away too many of the songs he used, but I can tell you that in addition to the aforementioned beats, he utilizes ones by bands like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Anthrax, and Pantera.

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