Enlarge "Active, free-roaming, unconvicted, fuckin’ PEDOPHILE! Out here, free-roaming! PEDOPHILING! Look him up now!"

Insane Clown Posse Declare Pedophile Dahvie Vanity “Juggalo Enemy Number 1”


Almost exactly two years ago, MetalSucks published an exposé in which several women leveled accusations of sexual assault and emotional abuse against Dahvie Vanity, frontman of Blood on the Dance Floor, most of whom were underage at the time. While many such accusations against Vanity had been floating around for years, it was the first time they’d been collected in one place by a prominent music publication. Several months later, Huffington Post picked up the story after several more women came forward.

So why are Insane Clown Posse just now jumping on the anti-Dahvie bandwagon? I don’t know, but I also don’t care, because fuck that piece of shit. In the latest example of allegiance between Juggalos and everything right and good in the world — an alliance once unimaginable — the world’s foremost Juggalos have posted a Facebook tirade against Vanity, written by Violent J, declaring Vanity “Juggalo enemy number 1,” and instructing their fans to “Pick up a heavy object and inflict necessary beat down.”

That kind of specific threat is against Facebook’s policy, I’m fairly certain, so I expect the post will be taken down. I also can’t say I endorse violence against anyone. Still, take that part out, and ICP’s statement is one we 100% back, and a helluva way to begin your week.

The statement reads in full:

“Juggalos! Keep your terminator style eyeballs open for Juggalo Enemy Number 1!

“This peacock wig wearin’, mother fuckin’, fraudulent, fake, phony ass, devil’s dick suckin’, punk fuckin’, stone-hearted, criminal!!!

“For some lame ass reason, he calls himself Dahvie Vanity… pronounced “Sick Fuck”. But his real name is “Jesus Torres”. Former vocalist of some bullshit band called Blood On The Dance Floor! Active, free-roaming, unconvicted, fuckin’ PEDOPHILE! Out here, free-roaming! PEDOPHILING! Look him up now!

“If you spot this free-roaming beast out in public somewhere… you know what to do. Pick up a heavy object and inflict necessary beat down!!! Just make sure it’s the correct guy first and not some other totally innocent, peacock wig-wearing fuckin’ fool!

“… VJ”

Dying to know what specifically provoked this post. Did J just stumble upon our old coverage, or HuffPo’s? Did Vanity hit on one of J’s friend’s daughters? Something else? Regardless, we’re always happy to see word spreading about that stinking piece of asshole.

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