Enlarge As on many of the DTA tours, Max Phelps (Exist, ex-Cynic) fills in for the late, great Chuck Schuldiner

Video: Former Death Members Gene Hoglan, Steve Di Giorgio, and Bobby Koelble Perform “Overactive Imagination”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Former Death/ ongoing Death to All members Gene Hoglan (drums), Steve Di Giorgio (bass), and Bobby Koelble have released a new quarantine cover of “Overactive Imagination,” from 1992’s Individual Thought Patterns. As on many of the DTA tours, Max Phelps (Exist, ex-Cynic) fills in for the late, great Chuck Schuldiner. They sound great, but it’s especially heartwarming to see Di Giorgio up on his feet; last we heard, he got hit with a bad case of the ‘Rona. So it’s obviously a relief that he appears to be doing just fine now.


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