Enlarge The Osbournes Want to Believe debuts in August.

Ozzy and Family to Star in New Paranormal Series for the Travel Channel

  • Axl Rosenberg

Did you know that the Travel Channel is now basically the Ghost Channel? Their current slate of shows all have names like Ghost Nation, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Caught on Camera, My Paranormal Nightmare, and My Ghost Caught My Paranormal Nightmare Adventures on Camera (I may have made that last one up). What does any of that have to do with Travel? No idea!

ANYWAY, I mention it because the network’s latest paranormal-themed series, according to Variety, will reunite three-fourths of the Osbournes who were on The Osbournes. Entitled The Osbournes Want to Believe (which I imagine is a deliberate X-Files reference), the show will center around Jack Osbourne showing Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne videos of allegedly-real paranormal activities — including, but not limited to, “poltergeists, haunted dolls, UFOs and unidentifiable beasts” — and then trying to convince them those videos aren’t allegedly-real but really-real.

I would think it would be pretty easy to pull a fast one on ol’ Ozzy, but maybe I’m not giving the Black Sabbath singer enough credit.

In any case, the first episode will air Sunday, August 2 at 10 p.m. eastern, so I guess we’ll find out then!

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