Enlarge When you think about it, Ozzy Osbourne and Donald Trump actually have some stuff in common.

“Ozzy for President” Merch Now Available

  • Axl Rosenberg

When you think about it, Ozzy Osbourne and Donald Trump actually have some stuff in common. They both…

  • Are doddering old men who aren’t quite “all there” anymore.
  • Made their fortune largely by slapping their name on a bunch of different stuff.
  • Had successful reality television shows.
  • Have children and spouses who are almost as famous as they are.
  • Have no business working in politics.

But they also have some differences, natch. For example…

  • Ozzy actually did something noteworthy when he was younger and hasn’t just been failing upwards his entire life.
  • Ozzy is meant to be The Prince of Darkness, but Trump is the one who’s pure evil.
  • Ozzy could never be President of the United States of America, because he was born outside the country.

That last fact hasn’t deterred The Ozzman from releasing a new line of “Ozzy for President” merch. Perhaps recognizing that his best days are behind him, the merch features an image of Ozzy circa Blizzard of Ozz. It ranges in price from $60, for a bundle with a bunch of different shit, to $5, for a bumper sticker and or pin. You can peruse and purchase here.

Ozzy is just the latest metal musician to joke about entering the 2020 presidential race, after Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda and members of Ghoul and Nekrogoblikon. Expect more musicians to get in on the gag as we get closer to November 3.

[via Rock Feed]

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