Enlarge This is the kind of black metal we can get behind! For fans of Krallice, etc.

Exclusive Premiere: Proggy Black Metal Collective Drouth Unveil New Single, “An Apiarist”

Exclusive Premiere: Proggy Black Metal Collective Drouth Unveil New Single, “An Apiarist”

My first listen of “An Apiarist,” the latest single from Drouth — which MetalSucks is beyond stoked to premiere today — reminds me a whole lot of the first time I heard Krallice. Not because Drouth sound like Krallice (other than having elements of black metal in their music), but because the band’s music is full of twists and turns that are all part of a carefully orchestrated ADVENTURE. Like Krallice, Drouth are more prog than they are black metal, expertly weaving one riff into the next with an endless supply of seamless transition guided by ever-shifting drum and vocal patterns. Most importantly, every single damn part of their orchestrations are catchy, because what good is anything if you can’t remember it afterwards? I’m hooked on every part of it.

Vocalist/guitarist Matt Stikker, who also illustrated the absolutely sick cover artwork you see above, explains the lyrical side of the track, as well as acknowledging all that went into it musically:

“Our song ‘An Apiarist’ is a reflection on our constructed environment, and by extension the means by which we construct our own mental architecture to interpret the world around us. The narrator’s perception of their day to day existence gradually curdles as closer examination unravels its underlying absurdity. However, the song ends with their realization and fatalistic acceptance that they have themselves grown to reflect and embody those qualities they find abhorrent.

“This track had standout contributions from each member during the writing process and despite its length we’re proud that it represents one of the strongest arrangements on the album.”

Check out “An Apiarist” below. Excerpts from a Dread Liturgy comes out July 31 via Translation Loss Records; pre-order here.

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