Enlarge The duo of Granny Hates and Nonna King has fallen in LOVE with System!

Two Rocking Grannies React to System of a Down


Praise be Ghost Cult Mag for introducing me to Two Rocking Grannies, a YouTube channel consisting of two older women who post reaction videos to metal songs. The duo, consisting of Granny Haze and Nana King, have posted about 30 videos since launching a month ago, and have amassed over 40k subscribers with their reactions to Metallica, Slayer, Babymetal, Slipknot, Nightwish, Jinjer and more. I’ve watched a handful, and it seems Hayes and King are newcomers to metal but have fully embraced it, becoming more familiar with the genre and its tropes with each passing day.

Which brings us to System of a Down, a group these two elder statewomen took to so fast they’ve now devoted three reaction videos to their songs, “Chop Suey,” “B.Y.O.B.” and the latest, “Toxicity.” Watching these two folks discover System of a Down and experience such joy from their music is giving ME joy and making me remember how dear I once held this band’s music to my heart (and still do). These are so much fun. Watch watch watch!

Haze and King aren’t the only folks outside of what we usually think of as System of a Down’s core demographic who have been digging the band’s music of late: make sure you watch this clip of a Nigerian wedding party losing its mind to “Toxicity” that recently went viral.

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