Enlarge We're not asking which one you WANT to come out first -- we're asking which one you think will ACTUALLY come out first.

Poll: Who Will Release an Album First – Guns N’ Roses, System of a Down, or Necrophagist?


Last week, we were discussing which band was making the next Chinese Democracy — an album that we hear about seemingly for-fucking-EVER before it’s finally released. There have actually been a few since Guns N’ Roses released that long-fabled record back in 2008, including Anthrax’s Worship Music and Tool’s Fear Inoculum, but those albums have also since seen the light of day.

The way we were at MetalSucks see it, there are currently three contenders for the title of Chinese Democrazier:

While we continue to play the waiting game to see when/ if these albums are ever actually produced and released, we thought we’d ask you: which one do you think will come out first? PLEASE NOTE THAT WE’RE NOT ASKING WHICH ONE YOU WANT TO COME OUT FIRST. We wanna know which one you think will ACTUALLY come out first.

Cast your vote below, and then go pray to the Dark Lord that, eventually, we get to hear all three albums… ’cause that way, everybody wins!

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