Enlarge Glover discusses Black Lives Matter, singing about these issues for 30+ years, Covid-19 deniers, new band Disciples of Verity, an update on LC and more.

Living Colour’s Corey Glover on The Quarantinecast #18


You’re quarantined, we’re quarantined, everyone’s quarantined, including all the metal musicians we all love. In our new series, The MetalSucks Quarantinecast, we’re connecting with metal musicians in their homes to find out how they’re coping with isolation, how they’re staying busy during these trying times, and how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted their band’s plans.

On today’s episode we’re joined by Living Colour frontman Corey Glover from his home in Newburgh, NY (“can’t afford Brooklyn” anymore, he tells us). Glover speaks with us about his thoughts on the current racial tensions in the U.S. and the frustration he’s feeling as someone who has been singing about these issues for more than 30 years. We also discuss how he’s getting by during the pandemic, his opinions on places that are re-opening too soon and folks who deny how serious a health threat the coronavirus poses, and his latest project, Disciples of Verity, which also features former members of God Forbid and Sekond Skyn. We also get an update on new Living Colour material.

Listen to the episode below via YouTube, via the streaming audio embed, or download the episode here.

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