Enlarge The three-year anniversary of Chester Bennington's death is around the corner.

266 Musicians in 35 Countries Perform Linkin Park’s “In the End” Together


With the third anniversary of Chester Bennington’s death quickly approaching on July 20, a group of Linkin Park fans — 266 of them, to be exact, spanning 35 countries across the globe — have collaborated on a “quarantine mob” version of one of the band’s most well-known hits, “In the End.”

Rocknmob, a YouTube channel devoted to precisely this kind of collaboration, organized the effort, which was filmed in May, edited in the weeks since (quite a task putting this all together, I’d imagine!) and features an impressive assortment of different instruments and voices. The video’s description reads:

“2020 brought us a lot of challenges but they couldn’t stop us from rocknmobing! This time 266 musicians, 35 countries and almost every continent (except Antarctica – that’s a shame!) united to perform one of Linkin Park signature songs – “In the End”. All the musicians recorded more than 300 videos during quarantine in their countries to help us organize first ever international rocknmob!”

As someone who was never much of an LP fan, I gotta admit this is quite an impressive effort; I got chills! Check it out below. Rocknmob covered Linkin Park’s “Numb” two years ago as well.

[via Kerrang!]

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