Enlarge The song's original lyrics about the AIDS crisis have been re-appropriated for the Covid-19 pandemic.

Video: 8-Year-Old Girl Covers Overkill’s “Elimination” with Parents


Metalhead family Bryce and Nadia Waring and their eight-year-old daughter, Alexis, have teamed up for a cover of Overkill’s 1989 classic, “Elimination,” re-appropriating the original’s lyrics about the AIDS crisis to the current Covid-19 pandemic. The family explains to MetalSucks via email:

“We’re proud to present our version of Elimination by the almighty band Overkill. Though the song was originally written about AIDS in 1989. We thought it would fit right in with the pandemic that’s taking over the world today and hopefully ease some of the fears and pains we’re all facing.”

Bryce plays guitar while Alexis sings most of the lyrics, Nadia adds vocals in the choruses and bridge, and Alexis’s uncle (Bryce’s brother) Fred programmed the drums, making the effort a full-family affair.

Love to see the youth getting involved with not just metal, but important causes! Great job, Alexis!

Watch below.

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