Enlarge An incredible cover of Metallica's classic that really does sound like Maiden played it.

If Iron Maiden Covered “Enter Sandman,” It Might Sound Like This


Last autumn, before the world ended, the YouTuber Metal Börje provided us with an entertaining bit of video entertainment that combined two of our favorite topics — Metallica and Slipknot — into one, with a cover of “Enter Sandman” performed in the style of Slipknot.

After months of exhaustive research and peer reviewed studies, Börje has returned with another cover of “Enter Sandman”… this time in the style of England’s enduring metal heroes, Iron Maiden. As he did last year, Börje did a fantastic job of getting to the heart of what Iron Maiden sound like and laying that on top of Metallica’s most famous composition; well done, dude!

Watch below for the riffs, but stay for the crude print-out masks of each member of Iron Maiden.

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