Enlarge Featuring Evanescence, The Ocean, Matt Heafy, and more.

MetalSucks’ Least-Sucky Songs of the Week


Happy Fourth of July. Hope this not-sucky songs help you with your responsible, socially distanced celebration!

Evanescence – “The Game Is Over”

This shit is so catchy it oughta come with penicillin.

Matt Heafy – “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher”

Trivum’s frontman goes solo and does Henry Cavill proud.

Imperial Triumphant feat. Tomas Haake – “City Swine”

Are we the only ones who wonder if Imperial Triumphant are Sunny fans?

The Ocean feat. Jonas Renkse – “Jurassic | Cretaceous”

Hopefully this ends up on the soundtrack for the next Jurassic Park movie.

Transit Method – “Drag the Ghouls”

Transit Method mix metal and grunge with a healthy dose of prog for an ear-grabbing four-minute tune that’s both tantalizingly complex and catchy.

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