Enlarge Rose calls Adams "a coward" and "a POS."

Axl Rose Says U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams Should Resign


In his latest tweet slamming the Trump administration, Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose has called on U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams to resign.

Rose’s tweet appears to be in response to an interview in which, when asked whether or not he’d advise Americans to participate in large gatherings to celebrate the Fourth of July, Adams refused to give a straight answer, saying that “Every single person has to make up their own mind.”

Rose subsequently tweeted:

Jerome Adams is
a: A coward
b: A POS
c: Both
Resign. U don’t deserve the job or title. America deserves better.

This is the latest in a series of harsh criticisms Rose has leveled against the Trump administration. Most recently, he got into a Twitter feud with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.


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