Enlarge He doesn't want people to get ill ill baby.

Vanilla Ice Is Smarter Than Kid Rock, Cancels His 4th of July Concert

  • Axl Rosenberg

Vanilla Ice, the trailblazing rap-rocker who paved the way for such illustrious acts as Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, and Crazy Town, has been forced to call off his 4th of July concert in Austin, Texas due to a resurgence of coronavirus cases in that state.

In a video message announcing the cancellation (below), Mr. Ice says, “I listen to my fans… I didn’t know the [coronavirus] numbers were so crazy in Austin,” asserting that he “booked this concert a long time ago.” He also briefly quoted “Ice Ice Baby.”

Note that Mr. Ice (birth name: Bromidic Glacier) managed to take this loss of income in stride, without comparing the city of Austin to Pol Pot’s Cambodia. Hopefully, he’ll be a trailblazer in that regard, too.

[via Deadline]

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