Enlarge GojiraJockey are gone, DevilDriver are back.

DevilDriver Debut New Song “Iona”

  • Axl Rosenberg

That last DevilDriver single, “Keep Away From Me,” was just, like, up to its chin tattoo in Gojira worship. Not that I’m complaining, necessarily. I love Gojira, you love Gojira, we all love Gojira. And Gojira themselves, by the members’ own admission, owe a whole lot to Morbid Angel, so, like, what is even originality anyway and all that shit. I’m just saying it was hard to listen to the song without feeling a sudden craving for From Mars to Sirius.

DevilDriver’s new single, “Iona,” sounds considerably more like what we think of when we think of traditional DevilDriver: groove out the wazoo, rollercoaster riffs, and impaling hooks. It’s more Dimebag than Duplantier. And some of you may miss GojiraJockey, sure… but others will surely be glad to have DevilDriver back.

Listen to “Iona” below. DevilDriver will release Dealing With Demons I — the first installment of a double album, in case the numeral in the title didn’t give that away — on October 9 via Napalm Records. Pre-order it here.

DevilDriver Debut New Song “Iona”
Artwork by Johnny Jones at COMA
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