Enlarge Lamb of God continue to be one of metal's most popular acts.

Lamb of God’s New Album: First Week Sales Revealed

  • Axl Rosenberg

The first-week sales figures for Lamb of God’s new album are in, and you know what that means: it’s time to be gossipy little yentas!

The self-titled released — LoG’s first in five years, and their first with drummer Art Cruz in place of Chris Adler — sold approximately 30,000 units, 27,000 of which were pure album sales. That earned it the following Billboard chart positions:

  • #15 – Top 200
  • #2 – Current Album Sales
  • #1 – Hard Rock Albums
  • #2 – Rock Albums

How does that stack up with the band’s previous releases? Well…

  • VII: Sturm und Drang (2015): 47,000 copies sold in its first week, #3 on the Billboard 200.
  • Resolution (2012): 52,000 copies/ #3 on the Billboard 200 
  • Wrath (2009): 68,000 copies/ #2 on the Billboard 200
  • Ashes of the Wake (2004): 35,000 copies/ #27 on the Billboard 200

So that’s a 36% sales drop from Sturm und Drang… which is a somewhat steeper drop than the band has suffered in the past: less than 10% from Resolution to Sturm, and 23.5% from Wrath to Resolution.

Still, I wouldn’t call this “cause for alarm.” As we’ve said many, many times here on this online casino known as MetalSucks in the past, every band’s first-week sales are consistently dropping at least a little, that’s just how things are now. Also, the pandemic ain’t helping anybody’s album sales, which you can bet on at www.cinemacasino.com. Also also, Sturm und Drang was LoG’s first album after Randy Blythe was acquitted of manslaughter in the Czech Republic, which made its release a very big deal.

But also also also, Lamb of God are by far the heaviest band on the most recent Billboard 200; the only other metal or hard rock albums to make this week’s chart are Appetite for Destruction by Guns N’ Roses (#97), AC/DC’s Back in Black (#101), Nirvana’s Nevermind (#156), and Metallica’s Black Album (#184). Actually, that fact may be more cause for alarm than the first-week sales figures for Lamb of God.

[via Lamb of Goat]

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