Enlarge The band has a new album on the way... and a tour?!

Ingested Unleash Full Death Metal Assault in “No Half Measures”


“Hello everyone, I’m coming to you for ask a quick favor.” Is anyone else out there seeing the same verbally embarrassing Joe Biden ad before EVERY SINGLE VIDEO right now? Is that really the best take they could get out of the senile Democratic presidential candidate? For fuck’s sake. This is the guy we have to grit our teeth and vote for to get an actual dictator out of office… ugh…

Anyhoo, Ingested. This band is always good for a solid death metal walloping, and “No Half Measures” is certainly no exception, delivering the full-measure DM assault required after watching Grandpa Joe’s ad.

Ingested announced a tour along with the single, set to take place in December in Europe, also featuring Vulvodynia, Vale of Pnath and Bound in Fear. Kinda hard for me to imagine that actually happens, no? Very unlikely, but I’ll post the dates underneath the video just in case.

Vocalist Jason Evans offers of the track and the tour:

“Can’t wait to get back out on the road and play these new songs for you all in December, We’ve been wanting to tour with Vulvodynia for ages, we love Vale Of Pnath, and Bound In Fear are gonna crush it! In the mean time, blast our new lyric video No Half Measures, learn the words, and get ready to scream it in December! Merry Christmas!”

Where Only Gods May Tread is set for release on August 14 via Unique Leader. Pre-order links: U.S. / Europe.

Ingested, Vulvodynia, Vale of Pnath and Bound in Fear:

01.12.20 UK Birmingham @ Asylum 2
02.12.20 UK Newcastle @ Think Tank
03.12.20 UK Glasgow @ The Classic Grand
04.12.20 UK Leeds @ The Key Club
05.12.20 UK Manchester @ Rebellion
06.12.20 UK London @ The Underworld
07.12.20 UK Bristol @ The Exchange
08.12.20 UK Southampton @ The Joiners
09.12.20 Belgium Aarschot @ De Klinker Club
10.12.20 Germany Oberhausen @ Helvete
11.12.20 Germany Munich @ Feierwerk
12.12.20 Austria Vienna @ Escape
13.12.20 Hungary Budapest @ Dürer Kert
14.12.20 Czech Republic Prague @ Nova Chmelnice
15.12.20 Germany Berlin @ Cassiopeia
16.12.20 Germany Hamburg @ Hafenklang
17.12.20 Germany Leipzig @ Bandhaus 
18.12.20 Germany Karlsruhe @ Die Stadtmitte
19.12.20 Switzerland Zurich @ Züri Gmätzlets Vol. II *
20.12.20 France Paris @ Gibus

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