Enlarge The viral video clip of a Nigerian wedding party losing its collective mind to System of a Down's "Toxicity" has reached the band's frontman.

Serj Tankian Comments on Viral Nigerian Wedding Clip: “Simply Awesome”


The viral video clip of a Nigerian wedding party losing its collective mind to System of a Down’s “Toxicity” has reached the band’s frontman, Serj Tankian, who seems quite pleased with everything it represents.

The clip came along with similar ones of the revelers singing along and dancing to songs by Asking Alexandria and Disturbed, but it was the SOAD video that captured the world’s imagination, made all the more poignant by the ongoing discussions about race that have swept this country in recent weeks.

Posting to Twitter, Serj’s words were brief — “Simply awesome.” — but powerful.

The frontman has found himself in an unexpectedly public back-and-forth with his Trump-supportingpro-copracist drummer, John Dolmayan, everything System’s lyrics are not. Music has always had the power to be a great uniter, so I hope Tankian and Dolmayan were able to bond over this heart-warming moment.

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