Enlarge The first of several live-streaming events planned for the week.

Right Now: Stream Lamb of God’s “Live Quarantine” Performance


Today through Thursday, Lamb of God will be hosting one streaming event per day to celebrate to the release of their new, self-titled album (read our review).

The first of those began airing at noon EDT / 9am PDT, and features three songs recorded by the band live from quarantine. You can watch it here or in the embed below.

Later today, guitarist Willie Adler will join Zia Records for a Facebook Live Q&A at 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT. An Instagram Live and Reddit AMA with vocalist Randy Blythe are planned for later in the week. The band promises they’ll announce more activity for the week soon.

You can keep up to date with upcoming livestream activity from across the metalsphere on MetalSucks’ livestream calendar.

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